Tag: Office Moving

Successful Office Move

Six Steps to a Successful Office Move

There are several steps to take when moving your office from one location to another. Whether you are downsizing or expanding, moving your business requires a lot of planning and the ability to minimize interruptions to productivity, employee projects, and cash flow. Depending upon the size of your business and the funds you have available, there can be a lot of stress associated with moving. Office Moving Basics: If you are on a limited budget, knowing how moving companies arrive at their fees can reduce your stress and even help you save money. For example, if you have the flexibility, try to schedule your move for an off-peak period that is less expensive. Or look for free packing boxes so you will not have to buy or rent them from a moving company. Whether you choose to rent a moving truck or decide to hire a commercial moving company, below are six ways to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible. 1. Prepare, Plan, and Delegate Write down a plan to outline everything you must do to get to your new office location. Include notifying staff and clients, packing up everything you need, and obtaining insurance. Do not underestimate how long the process will take. Smaller offices will take less time to pack and prepare than larger offices. Start packing the office items you will not need until you are in the new office space. Decide who will be responsible for different steps of the moving process. For example, assign or delegate a move coordinator to communicate with and keep employees informed. Be sure the person you choose has stellar organizational and communication skills and give them the authority to make and manage decisions. Small offices with only a few employees will require a very coordinated effort to work together. 2. Layout a Timeline Keep in mind that while you plan to move, there will still be work that needs to get done. When creating a plan, establish a reasonable timeline so that your business does not suffer during the moving phase. The first step to put on your timeline is the moving date. Do not forget to include time for cleaning up and decluttering your office before packing. There is no need to bring stuff you will not need to a new place. Your lease termination date will play a significant role in choosing a moving day. 3. Know Your Budget Relocating to a new office location will cost money. Determine how much you can afford to outsource and where you can reduce costs. Will you hire a professional mover or rent a truck? Do you plan on upgrading office furniture and equipment? It is highly recommended that you include moving insurance in your budget if anything gets damaged or lost during the move. 4. Plan Out the New Office Space Collect any available information, such as floor layouts and blueprints, for the new space. Know where the electrical outlets are located and how much storage space you have. Does the new office have large open spaces that will require temporary walls or cubicles? If yes, It's possible that you will need to hire electricians, painters, carpenters or you can try One Point Partitions if your office will require some more specific work, like toilet divisions so that your new office will accommodate your current needs.  Do not forget to include these costs in your budget. 5. Solicit Bids If you plan on hiring a professional mover, get several bids, and choose the company that best suits your needs and budget. Specialty items such as high-value products and complicated equipment like medical equipment should be handled by professionals with experience. 6. Notify Service Providers and Clients Let your clients or customers know well in advance when you plan to move. Even if you do your best to avoid delays in communications and services, there is a good chance there will be a slight delay during the actual move. Set up a contingency plan for how clients can reach you during your move. A suggestion is to leave a few employees in the office to attend to customer inquiries. Follow the steps above to achieve a successful office move with minimal to no downtime. The better you plan, the more likely your staff will be able to get back to work in the new location quickly. Read Also: The Ultimate Moving Checklist – Things you Need to do When Moving Finding The Right Moving Company Plan Moving Houses Ahead: 7 Essential Tips 10 Things to Do Before You Move Out of State Factors To Consider While Preparing For A Move